Planes, Trains, Automobiles, Ships, and Ferries


Yesterday we dropped our middle child off at college. She is so excited to start this chapter of her life, and we are excited for her. I am going to be cliché here and say that I don’t remember the time going by so fast; so fast, in fact, that I feel that we didn’t have enough time to take vacations with the kids before they didn’t want to go on vacation with us anymore and then before they moved to college.

For many years our vacations consisted of visiting my sisters out of state. It was a great deal – We got to go on a vacation and we got to stay with family. For free! My kids got to spend time with cousins, we saw the local sights, and we got to spoil our niece and nephews.

Somewhere along the way we started to acutely feel the passage of time, so we started to vacation in new places. We have had so much fun finding new places, and the kids have gotten to see a little bit of the US, Canada, and the Bahamas.

Take time to go places. Don’t like theme parks? Go hiking in the Florida Keys. Don’t like the outdoors? Go on a sports tour. Don’t like sports? How about choosing some museums? It always amazes me how much I learn when I go places and see the similarities and differences in the places I visit to where I live now. So, go to a new place. Expand your view of the world. You will love it.


Filed under Ramblings

2 responses to “Planes, Trains, Automobiles, Ships, and Ferries

  1. gsgrandma

    Rik served in the Navy for 30 years so I’ve lived in Hawaii twice. I’ve been in 49 states. We lived in Belgium for 3 years and visited Pax Lodge and Our Chalet. I agree that travel changes your view of the world.

  2. Barnett Mandell

    Yes, time seems to fly by but memories live on!

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